Execute tests and verify your ontology!

Themis helps you to validate your ontology model by executing tests. To try it, you need first to load the ontology to be validated and then define and check the tests. The result of each test will appear in the "Test results" section.

In this other link you can also find some examples that can be useful to propose tests.

Important information

  • The test syntax is case sensitive (e.g., Sensor and sensor are detected as different terms)
  • For generating the tests you have to use the glossary of terms (you can change it)
  • The test syntax is available here. You should insert the terms between brackets ("e.g., [Class] → Sensor"), while the italised terms (e.g., type) are keywords that cannot be changed
  • Terms in red indicate that they don't exist in the ontology, while the terms in orange indicate that the term exist in the ontology but the type (e.g., class or individual) is not the specified in the term
  • The Absent relation result does not indicate that the test is not passed, but that something may be missing

Tests results

Test Result Problem